Verified™ Review Scoring Overview

The Knowledge Base article outlines the scoring system of a "playbook" in TermScout. The overall score is derived from two main elements: the overall favorability rating and the questions within the playbook.

Each playbook has the following scoring elements associated with it: 


TermScout’s overall favorability rating is “Balanced” or “Customer Favorable” and TermScout’s overall clarity rating is greater than or equal to “Medium”. This scoring element accounts for 25% of the overall playbook score.

Visit the Our Process & Methodology page for additional details about favorability and clarity ratings. 


The questions within each playbook. This scoring element accounts for 75% of the overall playbook score.

The questions can be from any topic for which TermScout screens (e.g., limitation of liability, indemnification, intellectual property, payment terms). Each question is assigned a “Tier” between 1 and 5, which drives the weight each individual question has on the 75% of the overall playbook score derived from this scoring element.